Thursday, 26 September 2013

What makes a relationship work?

ONE:               A hug everyday causes better bonding than words.
TWO:           Never humiliate your partner between friends, it can become a habit and cause things to end sooner than you expect.
THREE:        Watch how you treat your man/woman; it will be how they start to treat you in the end.
FOUR:          When you say, "I Love you", mean it.
FIVE:            When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.
SIX:              Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN:         After love making hold your partner and talk - it is the best time to speak your mind.
EIGHT:         If your lover was fun before and loses it, then you are not the inspiration you used to be.  Try to be that way again!
NINE:           Love deeply and passionately.  You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN:            In disagreements, fight fairly.  No name calling.
ELEVEN:       Don't judge people by their relatives.
TWELVE:      When you are in a serious relationship, never use the word mine, but OURS, it is the best way to express how you feel about the person.
THIRTEEN:   Never treat others better than your lover, others won't always be there to treat you the same.
FOURTEEN:  Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
FIFTEEN:      When you have cheated before, watch how you treat your partner afterwards; those wounds take long to heal.
SIXTEEN:      Never allow money to get between love, it is the route to evil.  Money can't buy love!
SEVENTEEN: Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN:   Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
NINETEEN:   When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY:     Smile when picking up the phone.  The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY TWO:       Don't let someone you love ever feel you would never commit to them.
TWENTY THREE:    If the person you love changes, ask yourself why?
TWENTY FOUR:      Watch how you speak to your lover in company, it is how they will treat you thereafter.
TWENTY FIVE:       Love does not need material things to hold things together; it needs a hug, a kiss and tons of respect.  Without these it will never last.
TWENTY SIX:         Tell someone you love them at least once a day.
TWENTY SEVEN:    Do something with your lover that will make them happy, and don't always expect them to do things that makes you happy.
TWENTY EIGHT:     If there is something you can do that makes your lover laugh every time you do it, then do it quite often.
TWENTY NINE:       Kiss your partner every time you leave for somewhere without him/her, and every time you see them again, even if you go somewhere for just ten minutes, you never know if it will be the last time you see him/her.
THIRTY:                 Always hold your partner once in a while, while you are amongst people, it is the best way you will ever let them feel secure and wanted.
THIRTY ONE:         Never shout or insult your partner in a company, it will make them start to hate you.
THIRTY TWO:         Have sex at least four times a week; it keeps the spark glowing for much longer.
THIRTY THREE:      Never be selfish during sex, if the other has not been satisfied, make time for it or else the person will begin feeling used.
THIRTY FOUR:       A man can only be called that if he knows how to treat his woman.
THIRTY FIVE:         A woman should always see that things are always comfortable for a man when he gets home and when he wakes up.
THIRTY SIX:           Men!  If you want to know whether a woman would make a good wife, then look to see if she makes a good house-wife.
THIRTY SEVEN:      There are three steps in a relationship, 1-falling in love, 2-being in love, 3-loving unconditionally.
THIRTY EIGHT:       If you find a good woman, marry her.  Someone else might be looking for her.
THIRTY NINE:         If you find a good man, care for him.  Many are hunting him down.

FORTY:                  Spend at least two days of the month in bed all day, just making love.  And find at least one day in the month to talk about your future.

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